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Construction Estimating
Tips and guidelines for evaluating, planning and making accurate cost estimates for building a new home, renovating,
remodeling and commercial construction projects.
American Society of Professional Estimators - ASPE Providing estimators with education, fellowship, and opportunity for professional development. Employment board, information on the organization and its chapters.
Building Evaluations Develops construction cost estimates.
Construction Costs Links to selected sites providing material prices on the web.
Construction Estimating Institute Training and development of management skills, continued education programs and improved cost estimating techniques.
Cost Concepts, Inc. Generates construction cost estimates and provides cost control services.
Cost Estimator Online cost estimator for remodeling projects, with labor and materials costs for selected items. Registration required.
Craftsman Book Company Reference books and estimating databases. Online store.
Design Cost Data Magazine Publisher of estimating systems and historical construction cost data. Excerpts from the publication, and an on-line conceptual estimating system.
EPICLine Pricing information for the electrical industry. Search function,links to manufacturer catalogues.
Estek Systems Estimating and tendering software.
Esti-Mate.com Lumber estimating service, links to project calculators and other resources.
F.R.Walker Company Construction cost estimating reference books, forms, and tools. Company and product information.
Marshall & Swift Offers cost information in print and software formats.
Marshall and Swift/Boeckh (MS/B) Provider of building cost valuation information and estimating technologies for the underwriting and claims operations of the property and casualty insurance industry.
Professional Construction Estimators Association of America, Inc.Provides scholarships to students interested in construction careers.
Projects On-Line, LLC Provides project estimating services and software at any stage of the project from concept through bid documents.
R.S.Means Company Construction cost software and publications, reference books, consulting services, and estimating seminars. Information on the company, on-line cost estimator, and construction dictionary.
ZaxonSpecializes in cost estimating for government and civilian projects including value engineering and CPM scheduling.